Louis Braille, Reading With Your Fingers

Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809. He was born in France. France is a country in Europe. Louis was a bright boy. His father was proud of him. He had a dream for Louis. He dreamed Louis would grow up to be a doctor.

Louis liked to play in his father's workshop. Louis's father made shoes, saddles, and other things from leather. Louis liked to go to his father's workshop. One day when he was three years old, he picked up something sharp. The sharp tool was called an awl. His father used the awl to make holes in the leather. By mistake, Louis poked himself in the eye. His eye became infected. The infection spread to his other eye, too. People tried to help him, but Louis lost his sight.

Louis was now blind. He was trapped in darkness. His dad's dream could not come true. Louis would never be a doctor. But Louis and his parents knew that he still needed to go to school. When he was old enough, he did. He listened and learned. He learned so well that soon he was at the top of his class.

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