Locks of Love

Julie has not had her hair cut in years. Her hair has grown down to the middle of her back. She has decided that it is time for a shorter style. Julie learned about a way she could get her hair cut and help someone at the same time. She is going to donate her hair to Locks of Love.

Locks of Love is an organization that helps children who have lost their hair. Most of the children that Locks of Love helps have lost their hair because of an illness. Children with a disorder called alopecia receive the most help from the group. The disorder causes hair to stop growing on the body. Other children have cancer. The cancer treatments cause hair loss. When children lose their hair, it affects how they see themselves. Many times, they are teased and embarrassed. Locks of Love provides these children with wigs. It helps them feel normal again. They can swim, shower, and play without worrying that their wigs may fall off. Locks of Love helps them feel like kids again.

Locks of Love helps children who are eighteen years old and younger. The wigs are fitted especially for each child. They would normally cost thousands of dollars. Locks of Love gives them to children at very little or no cost.

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