Living Near a Nuclear Power Plant

Drew sat on his front steps. He looked at the river. Next to the river he could see those funny shaped things again.

"Daddy," Drew said, "tell me what that is."

Daddy said, "That's the nuclear power plant."

"Daddy," Drew said, "tell me again what it does."

"It makes electricity for many homes. It gives those homes power," Daddy said.

"How does it do that, Daddy?" Drew asked.

"It uses something called uranium. The uranium goes through a process that breaks it apart. This process makes a lot of heat. Through a special process, power is produced," Daddy said.

"Why does the building look so funny, then?" Drew asked.

"That is to protect us," Daddy said.

"What could it protect us from?" Drew asked.

"The plant uses uranium. The uranium is radioactive. That means it gives off harmful particles. If they leaked out, people could get very sick. The steel and concrete building helps protect us from that," Daddy said.

"Is this the only one in New York?" Drew asked.

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