Live 8 Concert

On July 2, 2005, ten huge concerts took place in locations around the world. The event was called Live 8. The concerts were not moneymaking events, and they were not staged to raise money for a good cause either. The goal of Live 8 was to raise people's awareness of world poverty and to convince world leaders to do something about it.

Six of the July 2 concerts took place in Europe - two in the United Kingdom, one in France, one in Germany, one in Italy, and one in Russia. Two took place in North America - one in the United States and one in Canada. There was one concert in Japan and one in South Africa.

The date chosen for the concerts was during the week before the 2005 G8 Summit. The G8 Summits are yearly meetings of the leaders of the richest countries in the world. One more concert, called the Final Push, was scheduled for July 6 in Scotland, just in time for the start of the G8 Summit which was also held in Scotland.

Organizers of the event wanted world leaders of the G8 Summit to take actions to help end world poverty. They wanted the G8 leaders to commit to providing more aid money and also to cancel debts owed by the poorest countries. They wanted rich countries to take on more responsibility for worldwide issues including health care and education for the world's poorest children.

The concert in London was one of the largest. There were many celebrity performers. One of the most popular was Pink Floyd, playing with original members again for the first time in years. Paul McCartney, another favorite, performed his classic "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band."

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