Life with a Skunk

Few animated characters are as lovable as Flower the Skunk, Bambi's fragrance-loving friend. Flower had the perfect name to distract viewers from the skunk's deadliest weapon: its fantastically stinky spray. Because of this, life with a skunk might not seem sweet. However, some people enjoy these unusual pets.

Skunks are illegal as pets in 30 states. People who are considering a pet skunk need to be sure that they can lawfully keep these animals. If a family decides that a pet skunk is right (and it is legal in their area), they can look for one in several places. Licensed animal shelters and breeders with permits can help. Non-profit skunk associations, like the American Domestic Skunk Association, can find reputable sources and supply lots of information. Potential owners should learn as much as they can about these lively pets before bringing one home.

Skunks are sometimes called polecats. They can come in dark chocolate, caramel, and vanilla "flavors." Or, in simpler terms, the eleven different skunk species are black and white, cream, brown, or gray. Their stripes can be thick or thin, and some skunks have spots.

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