Let's Go to the Beach

"Wow, it's so hot!" Cathy said to her friends. "Let's go to the beach."

"That's a great idea," Joe said. "I'll drive." Joe headed for the car.

"Wait, we can't just take off. We have to do a little planning," Sue said.

"What do we have to plan?" Bill asked.

"Well, we should take a picnic lunch so we don't have to buy any food or drinks. You know how expensive they are at the refreshment stand," Cathy said.

"That's true," Sue agreed. "I can make some sandwiches."

"I can bring some chips and pickles," Joe said. "I have lots of paper plates and plastic forks, too. We'll need them for our picnic."

"I have some leftover potato salad in the fridge," Cathy said. "What can you bring, Bill?"

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