Let There Be Light

Look around your classroom. What do you see? You probably see your classmates and your teacher. You might even see a clock, a whiteboard, and some desks. Do you know what you would see without light? Nothing! That's right! Light is everywhere. And that is a good thing! Without light, we would not be able to see anything.

Light is a form of energy. It travels very fast! It travels even faster than sound. Light can travel in a straight line. Have you ever used a flashlight? When sitting in a dark room or walking in the dark woods, flashlights can really come in handy. When you flip the power switch on a flashlight, where does the light shine? It shines straight ahead.

Light can also bounce. Think about the moon. On its own, the moon has no light source. Yet almost every night, the moon lights up our streets and shines down on Earth. How does it do this? The light from the moon is really light from the sun. Sunlight bounces off the moon and shines down on us each evening. When light bounces off an object, it is reflecting.

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