Keith Interviews Mei, the Giant Panda

"Good morning, boys and girls. This is Keith Trace, the host of Amazing Animals. Today, I have a special guest who came a long way to be here. Her name is Mei, and she's a giant panda from China. Hello, Mei!"

"Hello, Keith. Hello, boys and girls, or as we say in China, 'Nee-hao.' Keith, do you have anything to eat?"

"You're hungry, Mei?"

"Yes, I eat a lot. I like bamboo. I usually eat twenty to thirty pounds of it every day. It was a long trip here from China, and they didn't have any bamboo on the plane."

"Well, you look good. Tell us about your colors."

"My thick fur coat is black and white. I've got black around my legs, my ears, and my eyes. My fur is nice and warm in the mountains of central China. My friends and family live there."

"Do all giant pandas look like you?"

"Mostly, yes. We stand about two and a half feet tall at the shoulder. We can weigh as much as 275 pounds. Boys are usually bigger than girls. Even though we're cute, we're fairly big animals."

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