Keeping Your Nervous System Healthy

Your nervous system contains what is probably the most important part of your body: your brain. Your brain allows you to learn. It allows you to feel emotions like love, anger, and sadness. Your brain gives you the ability to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. It works together with the nerves and spinal cord to send the signals that make your body move. Your nervous system lets you do things like running, jumping, and dancing.

The nervous system is such an important part of your body. You want it to work at its best so that you can be at your best! There are a few things that you can do to give your nervous system everything that it needs. First, drink plenty of water. Your brain is eighty-five percent water. If you don't drink enough water, your brain won't work as well as it could. It is also important to eat healthy foods. Your brain needs minerals like calcium and potassium that can be found in milk and many fruits and vegetables. Your brain also needs healthy fats like those in nuts and fish. These fats help build new connections between nerves and brain cells. These fats may improve memory and increase learning and intelligence.

Exercise is another thing .....

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