Just Desserts

Dessert Month

Reading Comprehension for October 10

"What are you doing, Dad?" I asked.

"Trying to win a contest," he replied.

"I don't understand."

Dad smiled as he continued to stir the lumpy cake batter. "Our dinner club is having a night when the men make desserts. The ladies will vote on the best dessert."

"Oh," I said, with a twinkle in my eye. Dad was competitive. When he took on a project, he went all out. He did this even when there was no prize! He just liked to be the best.

I asked him what he had decided to bake.

"Mom loves red velvet cake. It's a challenge to make from scratch, so I don't think anyone else will try it."

"What's so hard about it?"

"It takes some work to get the color just right. It should look just like red velvet. I need to put in enough cocoa so that it tastes chocolaty but not make the cake too brown."

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