
Jenny put all her skirts on her bed. There was a red one. There was a blue one. There was a green one with yellow dots. There was one with red and white stripes. Jenny had twenty skirts!

Jenny put all her tee shirts on her bed. She had an orange one. There was a blue and green one. There was a white one with little pink flowers on it. There was a purple and blue one. Jenny counted her tee shirts. She had fifteen tee shirts!

Every day Jenny counted her skirts, sweaters, shirts, dresses, jeans, shorts, coats, jackets, and sweatshirts. On Saturday, Jenny counted her sandals, scarves, boots, gloves, mittens, hats, and belts. Jenny loved clothes!

"Jenny, you have too many clothes," her father said.

"Jenny, you have too many clothes," her mother said.

"Jenny, you have too many clothes," her sister said.

"I need a new sweater," Jenny said.

Every week Jenny bought something new. Every week it was harder to put her clothes away.

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