Jasmine's Big Problem

Jasmine has a problem. It is a big problem.

All the girls in Jasmine's class are kind. They say nice things to each other. They compliment each other. They say good things to other people, too. They like to smile a lot. They like saying nice things.

Jasmine doesn't.

Jasmine doesn't say many nice things. She doesn't say how kind anyone is. She doesn't say her friends look pretty. Jasmine just says boring things. Sometimes Jasmine says mean things. Jasmine doesn't smile a lot. She almost always looks sad.

One of Jasmine's friends asked her what was wrong.

"Why don't you ever smile like the rest of us?" Holly asked.

"I don't know," Jasmine said. "I don't feel like it."

"You should be nicer," Holly said. "You will feel better."

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