Jake and Jackie Clean the House

Jackie was pouting. It was Friday after school, and she wanted to play outside with Jake. Instead, her mom had told her to clean the house. They were having company all day Saturday, and her mom was going to the store to get food while her dad mowed the lawn.

Jake stopped by the house and tapped on the door. "Hi Jackie," he said. "Want to ride bikes?"

"I'd love to, Jake, but I have to clean the house."

"The whole house!?" Jake asked in surprise.

"Well, probably not the whole house. We're having company tomorrow, and Mom is grocery shopping."

"Can I help you?" Jake asked.

Jackie was surprised. She didn't think that cleaning was something Jake would be interested in doing. "Sure, if you want to," Jackie replied.

"Okay, what do I do first?"

"That's just it, Jake," Jackie said as she slumped further in the chair. "I don't know where to begin."

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