It's Canada Day!

Canada Day

Reading Comprehension for July 1

"It's Canada Day! Canada Day, Canada Day," chanted Marie as she danced about the kitchen.

Cheryl heard her sister downstairs and dressed quickly. This was a special day, and there was so much to do.

Mum had already hung the big red and white Maple Leaf Flag from its pole on the front of the house. Cheryl glanced outside and saw Marie sticking small flags in the ground at the edge of the garden. She was still singing her Canada Day song.

While she fed the chickens in their coop, Cheryl thought about the things they would do that day. She found two eggs in the small chicken house next to their vegetable garden.

While Cheryl ate breakfast, Marie bounced back into the room.

"Why do we have Canada Day?" Marie asked.

"It's Canada's birthday," said Cheryl after taking a bite of her toast.

"Countries have birthdays?" Marie asked.

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