Icky and Sticky

Icky and Sticky are twins. Icky and Sticky are not their real names. Their real names are Ron and Don. Their father started calling them Icky and Sticky. He told me how they got those funny names.

"Ron and Don always liked oatmeal," their father said. "It was their favorite food. They would eat oatmeal for breakfast. They would eat oatmeal for lunch. They would eat oatmeal for dinner.

"They would eat oatmeal with applesauce. They would eat it with pears. They would even eat it with spinach! They just loved to eat oatmeal.

"One day when they were two years old, something funny happened. Ron and Don quit eating oatmeal. They would not eat it for breakfast. They would not eat it for lunch or dinner. They would not eat it with other food. They just would not eat it anymore.

"If we gave them oatmeal, they would say, 'Yuck! Icky, sticky!' Every time they had oatmeal, they would say that.

"One day I gave them each a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. The phone rang. I went to answer it. Then I came back to the table.

"Ron had a bowl on his head. He was covered with oatmeal. It was dripping off his nose!

"Don was painting himself with oatmeal. He had oatmeal in his ears! He had oatmeal in his hair!

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