I Don't Have a Best Friend

Kara sat on the park bench looking at her cell phone. One of her friends had just sent her a text about a problem she was having with her BFF. Kara rolled her eyes. "BFF's, humph," she said to herself. Many of Kara's friends had cell phones, and it seemed they were regularly referring to their BFF, or "best friend forever." Kara, being a good listener, was someone many of these girls talked to--or sent messages to--regarding their friendships.

"What's on your mind?" Jonathan asked, sliding on to the bench next to Kara and startling her.

Kara looked up. "Oh, I was just reading this text from my friend Jessica. She's having trouble with her BFF."

"So why is she writing to you about it instead of to her friend?" Jonathan asked.

"I guess she thinks I am a good listener," Kara said.

"That's true," Jonathan said. Then he leaned back and shook his head. "I can never understand why girls insist on having a BFF," Jonathan said. "It seems to cause more trouble than it's worth."

"Exactly," Kara agreed. "I would rather have several close friends than one best friend."

"Seems easier," Jonathan said. "So what's going on with Jessica?"

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