How to Make a Snowman

If the temperature is falling and white snowflakes are, too, then it is time to build a snowman. Before heading out into the winter wonderland, be sure to bundle up! Put on a warm coat, a hat, and a scarf. Don't forget your gloves, either. It's really hard to build a snowman with frozen fingers!

Once you've donned your winter gear, you are ready to go outside and begin building. You will need to build three snowballs to make your snowman. One will be big, one will be medium, and one will be small. Then, you will stack these snowballs on top of each other. Start by making one small snowball. Then roll this small ball around in the snow. As you roll it, it will get bigger and bigger. Do this until it is really big. Next, make your medium snowball. Place this new one on top of the first big snowball that you already made. Finally, make your last snowball. This will .....

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