How to Help Someone Who Is Bleeding

Cathy was holding her cat, Tiger. All of a sudden, Tiger spied another cat. She began to hiss. She jumped from Cathy's arms and scratched her. The scratch began to bleed.

"MOM!" Cathy shouted. "I'm bleeding!"

Cathy's mom came running. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Cathy only had a scratch. The scratch was pretty deep, though. Her mom went right to work to stop the bleeding.

She took a clean piece of gauze out of the box in the medicine cabinet. She held it against the scratch on Cathy's arm. In a few seconds, she checked to see if the bleeding had stopped. It had. Then she started to clean the cut.

"OWWW!" Cathy cried. "That stings!"

"We have to get all the germs out of that cut," Cathy's mom told her. "We don't want it to get infected. Try to hold still."

Cathy tried really hard to hold still. She watched as her mom washed the cut with soap and water. Her mom patted it dry and put a bandage on it.

"There, good as new," Cathy's mom said.

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