How to Deal with Gangs

Do gangs roam in your community? Have you heard of gang violence in your neighborhood? Do you know someone who is in a gang? Has anyone urged you to join their gang? If so, you may have wondered what to do.

A gang seems like a club. After all, a club is a group of people with the same interests who enjoy getting together to focus on those interests. Gang members are a group of people with the same interests who enjoy getting together. There is a difference that sets gangs apart from clubs. It is that gangs do things that are illegal and may hurt others. Clubs don't. Gang members often go to jail. Club members don't. If you want to belong to something, choose a club that interests you! Avoid gangs. They don't operate with your best interests at heart.

If you find out that someone is in a gang, or if you are pressured to join a gang, there are some things you can do. First, you should tell a trusted adult such as a parent, teacher, or police officer. They can help you, and they can try to help that gang member make better choices.

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