How to Deal With a Bully

Josh woke up with his alarm clock. He rolled over and hit the snooze button. He didn't want to go to school today. He didn't want to face Sam. Sam was a bully.

Sam had been bothering Josh for a little over a month now. Sam made fun of him in gym class. He stole Josh's food at lunch. Sometimes Josh felt like he couldn't take it anymore. But he didn't know what to do.

Josh isn't alone. Experts believe that as many as five million students are bullied each year in the U.S. Many kids have trouble with their studies because of bullying. Many miss school each day because they are afraid of being picked on.

Josh was embarrassed. He didn't want to talk to anyone about his problems with Sam. He was afraid people would think he was weak.

Finally, he talked to his Uncle Bill. His uncle listened and gave Josh some good advice.

Uncle Bill told Josh to try to ignore Sam. Josh said he had been just walking away when Sam starts in on him.

"But how do you do it? Do you put your head down and your hands in your pockets?" asked Uncle Bill.

Josh told him that's pretty much how it happened.

"You've got to stand up to him," Uncle Bill said. "Look him in the eye. Stand tall. Then turn your back and walk away. Never get involved in a fight. That's just what a bully wants," said Uncle Bill.

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