How Do Flying Squirrels Fly?

A skydiver jumps from a plane. She hurtles toward the ground. The speed of the fall could be deadly!

But don't worry. She has something to help her land safely. She pulls a cord on a pack on her back. A parachute snaps open above her. It looks like a huge umbrella. The parachute slows the skydiver's speed. Now she can float safely to the ground.

Flying squirrels have big flaps of furry skin. This skin stretches from the front leg to the back leg on each side of the squirrel's body. This flap is called the patagium (puh-TAY-jee-uhm). When a squirrel leaps from a high tree limb, the patagium snaps open like a skydiver's parachute. It slows the fall.

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