Horse-Thief Summer, Part 2

Caption: Chief Big Bear (1825-1888)

The sentry sat silently on his horse. Big Bear bent low and allowed the ropes to slide through his fingers. The mare pricked her ears, nickering to the sentry's horse, and then she dropped her nose to the ground and began grazing once more.

Big Bear and the others kept the horses between them and the sentry. When he was finally convinced that all was well, he directed his horse back to the village.

A quick glance at the sky told Big Bear that dawn would soon be coming. There was no time to waste.

Edging his two new horses away from the herd, he moved at a slow but steady pace. The village was still silent in the distance when they reached their own horses.

Running Wolf had already arrived. Big Bear was followed by Fist with a Rock, Red Dog, Angry Eye, and Silent Eagle. Each man led at least two horses.

Mounting up, they rode swiftly in the lifting darkness. When the sun crept up over the horizon, they were many miles away from the Blackfoot village.

Big Bear smiled to himself. The raid would be good for a night's storytelling. To sneak in and out again without being caught underlined his abilities as a cunning leader.

The summer days were shortening. It was not easy for the six young men to herd a herd of horses across the land. It might look flat from a distance, but it wasn't. The land was full of rolling hills. The rivers often had high, steep banks. Watering the horses was not easy, but necessary.

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