Horse Sense

Day of the Horse

Reading Comprehension for December 9

Mandy and Sandy shrugged off their jackets and dropped their riding boots on the floor.

"Don't forget to put your riding clothes in the wash!" Mom called from the kitchen.

"We'll do it!" the girls chorused back.

"How were the riding lessons today?" asked Mom as the girls came into the kitchen. She filled a pot with water and put it on the stove to heat.

"My horse had thrown a shoe, so I had to ride a different one," said Mandy. "He wasn't as much fun to ride."

"Mr. Richards wants us to write an essay for the 4-H group," said Sandy. "I was hoping he would have us write about different kinds of horses. That would have been fun!"

"The essay is supposed to be about how horses have helped us over the years," Mandy joined in.

"That sounds like an interesting project," said Mom as she continued getting supper ready. "If you want to start brainstorming, I can give you a hand."

Sandy got a notebook and pencil and sat down at the table. "This won't be a long list," she said confidently. "It's not like horses can do a lot of things."

"You might be surprised," said Mom. "Horses are not only beautiful but have been extremely useful. What things can you think of, Mandy?"

"Well, farmers used horses to plow fields and pull wagons and buggies. They were ridden too..." Mandy's voice drifted off.

"There were lots of different reasons to ride," said Mom. "I think each one could be listed separately. Why would people ride?"

"I know," said Sandy. "Explorers rode them, and Indians used them for hunting buffalo and for war."

"They were bison, not buffalo," corrected Mandy. "Weren't horses also used for pulling fire engines?"

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