Growing Up in the White House

Amy Carter with her cat

What is it like to grow up in the White House? Few people will ever know. The rest of us can only imagine what it would be like to have a house full of servants, tons of perks, round-the-clock Secret Service protection, and constant media attention.

Presidents and First Ladies who have children in the White House are always careful to shield their children from the media. The result is that we know only a little about the lives of kids who grew up in the White House.

We know that the one hundred thirty-two room house has perks any kid would love, from an unlimited supply of M&Ms to a private, forty-seat movie theater with first run movies. Then there are the tennis court, the bowling alley, and the pool. There are plenty of guest rooms for sleepovers and even personal chefs. In December, there are over a dozen decorated Christmas trees. Oh yes, and presidential kids get to meet celebrities all the time - sports stars, movie stars, and musicians, as well as world leaders.

Grown up kids in the White House can enjoy an elegant lifestyle. President Nixon's daughter Tricia was married in a beautiful wedding in the White House Rose Garden. Four hundred guests attended.

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