Hi there! My name is Gary, and I'm a grasshopper. I love grass, and, you guessed it - I'm a hopper! I'm running for president of the Bug Appreciation Club. You'll soon see why I am the best choice for such an important office.
I'm sure you know what a grasshopper is. But did you know how many different kinds of grasshoppers there are? There are eleven thousand different species of grasshoppers. We come in all different sizes and colors. We can also be found almost everywhere on the planet, except at the North and South Pole. Well, who wants to live in such cold places, anyway?
I've got three pairs of legs, two pairs for walking and holding onto things and one for jumping and making noise. The jumping pair of legs is quite a bit bigger than the others. That's because my jumping legs do something truly amazing. With my back legs, I can jump twenty times the length of my own body. Just think about being able to jump that far! That would be like you being able to jump the width of a basketball court in one jump!