Gail Gibbons

How does that work? Why does that happen? What does that look like inside? Gail Gibbons has always been curious. She has always wanted to know more about her world. She was always asking questions. Once when she was a young girl, she took a clock apart. Then she tried to put it back together. She just wanted to know how it worked!

Gail grew up and went to college. She studied graphic design. It is how people use art to make a point or tell a story. When she finished school, she was offered a job in New York City. Her job was to do artwork for television shows. Later, she was asked to do artwork for a children's show. She got to work with some of the children on the show. One day, the kids asked her if she had ever thought about doing a children's book. She thought back to when she was a girl. She used to love making her own books. She would use yarn to bind pages together. Gail thought that a children's book sounded like a great idea. She would write the story. She would also do the artwork. It would be so much fun!

She thought about what kind of books she would like to write. The choice was easy. She loved learning about things. It just made sense to write non-fiction books. She also loved making art. She wanted her books to have lots of pictures. She had to write books for kids. Gail Gibbons came up with an idea for a book. A book publisher quickly bought it! Gail Gibbons was on her way to becoming an author! Gail got to work on writing her first book. The sights and sounds of New York City kept distracting her, though. She couldn't concentrate! So, Gail changed her habits. She started sleeping during the day and she worked all night long when the city was quieter.

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