From a Seed to a Sunflower

It may start out small, but it won't stay that way! Sunflowers are very tall flowers. They have beautiful heads that turn their faces toward the sun. They start their lives, though, buried in the dirt. They begin their lives as seeds.

Before a sunflower can grow, a sunflower seed must first be planted. A black and white striped seed has to be buried in the dirt. The seed needs lots of water. It needs sunlight, too. Then it can start to grow. First its roots will begin growing. They grow underground. Then a green shoot will make its way to the surface. Soon it will shoot up through the dirt. The shoot will grow taller and taller. It will grow leaves. It is turning into a sunflower. Next a bud will form at the top of the plant. Like the plant, the bud will get bigger and bigger. Then it opens! Tucked inside the bud is a beautiful round sunflower!

It might look like one flower, but the head of this sunflower actually contains many little flowers, or florets. .....

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