Drought in Zambia

Zambia is a country in southern Africa that has seen more than its share of troubles. Drought after drought has brought starvation and poverty to Zambia. While Zambia struggles to deal with its problems, there are people in other countries who offer help. There are people who ignore Zambia's plight. And there are people who try to take advantage of the situation.

People in Zambia who live off the land as well as city dwellers have all felt the effects of the droughts.

Zambia's farmers are used to dealing with dry spells. Seasonal droughts are just part of living in Zambia. In recent years, however, the droughts have become longer and more frequent.

In 2002, Zambia was hit by its second year of drought in a row. Then in 2005, there was a third serious drought.

Zambia's rainy season usually runs from about November through April. Farmers plant their crops at just the right time to make use of the rain. When the rainy season starts late or ends early, however, crops may not grow, or they may wither and die. In 2005, many maize crops failed. These crops had been grown both as a staple food for Zambian families and also for export.

Farmers in Zambia have tried new farming methods to combat the drought. They have tried new types of seeds and new methods of crop rotation. They have tried drought resistant crops such as cowpeas and cassava instead of maize. Farmers met with some success but were still struggling against the droughts.

Less rain also meant that farmers did not have enough water for their livestock.

In the drought of 2005 alone, one million or more people in Zambia were in need

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