Dog Agility

Dogs have been man's faithful companions for centuries. Dogs have the endearing trait of being completely devoted to their owners, which has given them the distinction of being called "man's best friend." People, in turn, are also devoted to their pets. Today, even a sport has gone to the dogs. It is called dog agility.

This sport is for dog lovers who want to go the extra mile with their pets. In a dog agility competition, the dog and its handler run through an obstacle course. These courses look like prized puppy playgrounds. They have tunnels, ramps, jumps, and even moving seesaws. Dogs and their owners have lots of fun on the course, but it is hard work. Successful runs are the result of lots of training! But the dogs love their work and seem to smile as they run their course with their tails flying high.

Dog agility contests might look simple, but each contestant must follow certain rules. A judge watches each competitive pair carefully to be sure they follow these rules. The dog handler can't touch the dog and must use only his or her voice commands and body signals. They can't give their dog treats as a reward, and the dogs don't have a leash on them.

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