Constitution Is a Big Word

Amy followed her family. They were on vacation. They were on a history vacation. They were learning about America.

Today they were seeing an old building. It was more than 250 years old.

"What is this place, Dad?" asked Amy as they stood outside.

"It is called Independence Hall," said Dad. "Our Constitution was made here. It was written more than 200 years ago."

"Is it still used today?" asked Amy.

"Yes," said Mom. "We use it all the time. It tells our government what to do."

"You mean it is like a rule book?" asked Amy.

Mom and Dad nodded their heads.

"Does every country have one?" asked Amy.

Dad shook his head. "I do not think every country does. Some do not have good ones."

Dad held out a picture. It was a picture of all the men meeting.

"Look here, Amy," said Dad. "These are the men who met here. When the states first joined up, they made rules. The rules they made were not very good. They did not work well. They wanted to make changes."

"Why did they need changes?" asked Amy. She looked up at the old red brick building.

"The rules did not work. They did not help the government work well. The people knew the rules had to be fixed," said Dad.

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