Clara Hughes

"That's it!" young Clara told her mom. "That's what I want to do!" she declared. It was 1988 and Clara Hughes, a fifteen-year-old girl, had just finished watching the Calgary Winter Olympics speed skating race. Right then and there, Clara hoped that someday she, too, would zoom around that famed oval track. She wanted to win a skating medal for her home country, Canada. Clara's dreams came true. She did become a famous Olympic athlete. But Clara didn't just become a speed skating star. Her Olympic dreams came true in more ways than one! Clara Hughes is one of Canada's Olympic stars. She has won six medals at various Olympic Games.

When she was sixteen, Clara began training as a speed skater. After just one year, though, she decided to take a break. She began cycling instead. It was a great choice. Clara quickly made a name for herself in the cycling world. First, she earned two bronze medals in the 1996 Summer Olympics. Then she competed in the 2000 Summer Olympics. After a great career as a competitive cyclist, Clara chose to return to her first love. She returned to speed skating.

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