Cheer the Lonely

Cheer Up the Lonely Day

Reading Comprehension for July 11

"I hate riding by her house," Melissa said to Jennifer as they buzzed by old Mrs. Thornton's home on their way to the summer program at their school.

"I know what you mean," Jennifer answered. "It looks scary. Mrs. Thornton looks scary, too, when she rocks on her porch and scowls."

Mrs. Thornton had lived in this neighborhood all her life. The girls had moved in about three years ago. They didn't know much about Mrs. Thornton, but they didn't like her. The paint on her house was peeling. The grass at her house was taller than the grass at any other house in the neighborhood. Her car looked like it hadn't been driven in ten years. It had rust all over it, and its tires were nearly flat.

"I wonder what's wrong with her," Jennifer continued.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, why doesn't anyone ever seem to visit her?"

"Would YOU want to visit her?" Melissa challenged.

"I really don't know," Jennifer answered.

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