Cedro belonged to a club that required its members to participate in community service. If club members wanted to enjoy fun activities such as swimming, skating, basketball, or camping, they had to devote some time to helping others.
Many members of the club were Cedro's good friends, and they always had fun together. Most of them felt that fun was more important than volunteer work. Cedro was a big fan of fun himself, but his family insisted that he join many of the community service activities!
Near the end of the school year, the adult leader told the club members to prepare an oral report on the community service projects that they had worked on that year. "Be ready to share your reports at the next meeting," he said. The boys groaned. None of them had expected to give a report on their efforts!
Cedro was more unhappy than most. He had worked on so many projects! He was sure that his report would be the longest of them all! Was it fair that the one who helped the most also got the biggest assignment? Cedro certainly didn't think so!
Back at home, he wondered how to organize his report. He scratched his head, looked around his room, and thought. Then he went to the kitchen and got a pineapple drink. While he was there, he noticed a 3 x 5 card tacked to the kitchen bulletin board. That gave him an idea.
Cedro got a stack of 3 x 5 cards and then sprawled on the floor with a club calendar in front of him. He flipped back to the fall months and began listing all the community service projects with which he had been involved. He used one card for each project. On the card he also listed his thoughts about the project. Then he organized the cards into two sets; one set detailed projects for individuals, and the other set detailed projects done for service organizations. Cedro decided that when he gave his report, he would first describe the help he had given individuals. He would finish his report with details about helping a group of people. He would save his favorite project for last.
Report day finally arrived. Cedro flipped nervously through his cards as he listened to other reports and waited for his name to be called.
"This year my community service project was to collect canned goods for the food bank," his friend Kolton said. "I donated two cans of cranberry sauce, because some people like to have it at Thanksgiving." Having run out of things to say, he shrugged his shoulders and took his seat.