Body Parts Expert

Marti had to make a list of the body parts of a human. Then she had to decide which of those body parts birds have. It was for her science class. Some were easy, and some were hard.

People have heads and birds have heads. That was easy. People have skin and birds have skin. That was easy, too.

People and birds both have eyes. Do birds have eyebrows? Marti did not know. She looked up bird eyebrows on the Internet. No, birds do not have eyebrows. She learned that birds and people both have eyelids, though.

People have hands, but birds do not. People and birds both have faces. People have mouths, and birds have mouths. People don't have beaks, though.

Marti made a very long list. She thought about toenails, fingernails, cheeks, feet, heels, ankles, knees, and toes. When she didn't know, she asked her mother. She asked her father. She looked on the Internet.

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