Biggest and Best?

It was late Friday night. Becky was staying overnight at her friend Meredith's house. She always enjoyed staying there. Meredith was like the sister Becky had never had. They both had older brothers who sometimes were a pain in the neck.

"It's just not fair," Becky whined as she grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl she and Meredith had just popped with Meredith's brand new stir popper.

"What's not fair?" Meredith asked.

"My brother always takes the best of everything. He always insists on going first, too."

"You know brothers can be like that. We've talked about this before. Mine always takes the lion's share," Meredith replied.

Becky turned to her friend with a puzzled look. "What do you mean by lion's share?"

"You know...taking the best or the biggest part of anything."

"I've never heard of that," Becky said.

"Really? It's from one of Aesop's fables."

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