Best Friends Come in Assorted Flavors

It was a hot day, a perfect day to eat a cold ice cream cone! Lily went to an ice cream shop. She looked up at the list of ice cream flavors. There were so many to pick from! The big sign advertised assorted flavors. Should she have a fruity ice cream cone, like cherry vanilla? Or should she have something nutty and rich, like maple walnut? Bubble gum ice cream was also delicious. Lily liked that kind because she could chew the gum after the ice cream cone was gone. Lily rubbed the coins in her pocket as she thought about ice cream. There were several people ahead of her in line, so she had some time to decide.

Lily wished a friend was with her to help her decide which ice cream to pick. She had several close friends. Each friend was always asking her if she was Lily's best friend. This bothered Lily. She did not want to make a choice about a best friend. But there in the line, Lily had an idea. She laughed out loud. The other people in line looked over at her with amused expressions. Lily had an "aha" moment: just like ice cream, best friends come in assorted flavors!

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