Did you have a piggy bank when you were younger? When you had an extra dime or some pennies, you put them in your bank. Sometimes your mom or dad might have put some extra change in there. When you wanted to buy something special, you'd count the money in your bank to see if you had enough. When you did, you took the money to the store to buy your special item.
As you get older, your money matters get a little more complicated. You have paychecks to cash and bills to pay. Maybe you want to save for a really big item like a car or a house. Maybe you need a loan to help you buy one of those things. You can do all these things at your local bank.
Keeping your money in a bank account is a good idea. First of all, your money is safe in a bank. As you get older and deal with larger amounts of cash, you don't want to be carrying your cash around all the time. You could lose it easily. You might be robbed!