When you hear the word "balance," what comes to mind? You may think of a seal trying to steady a ball on his nose. You may think about standing on one foot. You try to balance when you use your body to keep from falling. Try this: Place your pencil in your hand and gently rock your hand back and forth. You are using your eyes and your sense of touch to balance the pencil in your hand. Your body must use its senses and decide how to move to maintain balance.
People also try to balance all the things they must do and find a way to get them all done. Think about this example. Shawn has many things he must do after school. He must do his homework as soon as he gets home from school at four o'clock. Then he needs to eat dinner and go to soccer practice. After soccer practice, he must take a shower and be in bed by eight thirty. Shawn is balancing a to-do list. He must plan his time well so .....