Andrea's Fins

Andrea sat on the side of the pool and dangled her feet in the water. She picked up one of the swim fins from the deck next to her and dipped the opening into the water. Then she pulled the fin onto one slippery, wet foot and repeated the steps with the other fin and foot. Then with one quick movement, she slipped down into the water.

"Woo," she gasped. The water hadn't feel that cold on her feet. As she moved about, she soon felt warmer.

Andrea gave three strong kicks and smiled as she felt her body rush through the water. The fins helped her to move much faster. It felt wonderful.

"Andrea!" called Dad from the side of the pool. "You forgot your mask."

Two hard kicks brought the girl back to the pool side. "Thanks, Dad," said Andrea as she grasped the mask. "I was just starting to miss this." She smiled and waved the scuba mask before she pulled it on over her face. Andrea gave a quick push off from the side of the pool and dove down to the bottom. She twisted and rolled through the water. Staying down until she was almost gasping for air, she surfaced near the far side of the pool. Filling her lungs with air once more, Andrea dove again. This time, she kept her feet together and swam like a dolphin. It was such a glorious feeling!

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