Andrea del Verrocchio

Young men of the Renaissance often became apprentices when they were ready to begin working. In their master's workshop, these young men learned everything they needed to know so that one day they, too, could become a master craftsman and open a shop of their own. Builders and many other tradesmen began their career this way.

During the Renaissance, artists also began their careers as apprentices in the shop of a skilled master. Like carpenters and blacksmiths, artists were craftsmen who held an important place in the business life of their community.

City governments, churches, and wealthy citizens hired these painters and sculptors to create pieces of art. Wealthy patrons hired painters to create portraits of family members. Churches commissioned altarpieces and frescoes to adorn the walls of new churches. Statues were commissioned to memorialize famous people and events.

The best-known artist's shop in the Renaissance city of Florence was the shop of Andrea del Verrocchio.

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