And It Is Free!

There are a lot of stores in Joseph's town. There are a few small stores not far from his house. There's a toy store, a shoe store, and a restaurant. But Joseph's favorite store is the comic book store.

Joseph likes to read. He reads lots of books at school. He reads lots of books at home. He reads with his mother and father. He likes reading stories from the Internet. But his favorite kind of book to read is a comic book.

The small books are easy to read. Joseph likes all the colorful artwork. He likes the amazing stories. His favorite comic book is about a bug that is a superhero! He does not just read the comic books. He collects them, too. He has a huge collection of Spiderman comic books.

Joseph visits the comic book store often. He looks for new comic books to read. And he looks for old comic books to add to his collection. Last week the clerk told him to come back on May 1. He said it was a special day.

"What is special about it?" Joseph asked.

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