Alice's Spring

Alice held tightly to Uncle Alex's hand as he led her across the busy city street. She could smell the cars as they waited with purring engines for the light to change. She hoped that she and her uncle would get out of their way in time.

A horn honked behind her as they stepped onto the curb. She jumped nervously.

"Don't worry, Alice," said Uncle Alex. "I won't let anything hurt you."

Alice smiled a little. She gripped her uncle's hand more firmly. In spite of living in the city most of her life, the streets were an alien place to her.

"Do you have your white cane with you, Alice?" asked Uncle Alex. "It might help people to be more understanding if they saw it."

Alice unfolded the cane and waved it along the ground in front of her. It could help her find things that blocked her way on the sidewalk.

"What is spring like, Uncle Alex?" asked Alice. "I wish I could see it. People talk about flowers and trees, but I'm not sure what they are like."

"That is what we are going to discover today," said Uncle Alex. "You need to experience spring, not just hear about it. This park will be the perfect place to do that."

Before they even arrived at the place called the park, Alice noticed a difference in the air around her. A soft breeze tickled her nose with new scents and then flipped some of her hair playfully in her face. Street winds blew, but they weren't playful.

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