Abraham Lincoln, Part 1

Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky. He was born on February 12, 1809. His father had a farm. The log cabin where they lived had only one room. Later, the family decided to move. Abraham was about seven years old. His mother, father, and older sister Sarah crossed the Ohio River. They found another farm in Indiana.

There was no time or a place for Abraham to go to school. He had to work. Forests covered large parts of Indiana. They were full of bears and other wild animals. The first thing they had to do was to cut down trees. Young Abraham learned to use an ax when he was only eight. He was big for his age. He used it almost every day for the next sixteen years. He chopped down trees and split rails for fences. When he wasn't chopping, he was plowing. It was not an easy life. This hard work helped Abraham to build a lot of muscle. What he really wanted to do was learn.

Two years after they moved, Abe's mother died. They buried her near the cabin where they lived. Soon after, Mr. Lincoln left. Abraham and Sarah had to take care of themselves. That was a very hard time for them. Abe was no more than ten. Sarah was only a little older. About a year later, Mr. Lincoln came back with a new wife. Her name was Sarah, too. She soon loved Abe and Sarah very much. She could see how much Abraham wanted to learn. She urged him to study every chance he had. She knew he had a fine mind, and she wanted him to learn to use it.

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