A Strange Pet for an Odd Girl

Athena is an odd girl. She loves wearing strange clothes - sometimes she even wears a different colored sock on each foot! She has very strange taste in music, too. She likes to read weird books while she listens to her strange music.

One day, Athena decided she wanted a pet. Her friend had gotten a puppy for her birthday. Athena thought the puppy was so cute. She thought she would do well with a pet. She asked her mom if she could have a pet. Her mom said she could if she would take good care of her pet.

Athena looked up pets on the Internet. She looked at dogs, cats, birds, turtles, and even snakes! She decided that she'd like to get a turtle. They seemed pretty easy to care for. Besides, turtles are kind of odd pets. They really aren't very cuddly, Athena thought.

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