A New Spot for Spot

Spot was trying to sleep. He could not sleep because water was falling on his nose. His doghouse had a leak.

"Grrrr!" Spot said. (That means "I wish someone would fix my roof!")

Spot rolled over on his back. Then the water dripped on his neck.

"Grrrr-grrr!" Spot said. (That means "I think I will run away from home.")

Spot stuck his head out his door. He wanted to see if the rain had stopped. A piece of the roof fell on his head.

"Ow-ow-ow!" Spot said. (That means "Ouch!")

The rain had stopped. Spot crawled out of his house. He hurt his back on the door.

"Grrr-arf, arf, arf!" Spot said. (That means "That door is too small. Do they think I am still a puppy?")

Spot lapped some water out of his bowl.

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