A Great Big Hug

National Hugging Day

Reading Comprehension for January 21

David looked out the window of the car. He and his dad were driving to the hospital. They were going to take Grandma home.

The hospital parking lot was very big. David's dad drove around to find a good place to park near the doors. Grandma would not want to walk far. Once inside the building, they walked down a hallway. David wrinkled his nose.

"It smells funny here, Dad," he commented to his father.

"That's mostly because of the cleaners they use to kill germs," said Dad.

Dad let him push the button for the elevator. David liked to ride in it. He liked the funny feeling he got when it stopped at each floor.

Grandma was all dressed and ready to leave when they reached her room. David raced to her. She opened her arms and gave him a very gentle hug. He began to hug her as hard as he used to do, but Grandma's gasp made him stop.

"A gentle squeeze would be enough for now," she said. "I don't think I'm up for a puddin'-squeezing hug just yet. Let's go home!"

Grandma rode in a wheelchair down to the hospital doors. Dad carried her overnight case. David pushed the elevator buttons. Grandma didn't talk much in the car.

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