A Day as a Flower

It is still dark, but what is that I see? The sky looks a little brighter over there in the east. Ah, yes! The sun is coming up. I cannot wait to feel the warmth. Waiting is the hardest part. Lights are starting to appear in homes. A few cars are passing by as people head to their jobs.

It is getting brighter! I can see the top of sun! Here it comes! My magic of spring is about to begin! The sun is shining on me. I am starting to warm up. Here come the kids down the sidewalk on their way to the bus stop. What's this? One stops and bends down to take a closer look. Then she is on her way.

I have been in here long enough. I feel like I need to stretch. The sun is warming me. I wish I could stretch so the cool breeze will reach my inside. As the day goes on I feel warmer and warmer. It is time for some action.

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