____, the 23rd president of the United States, was the grandson of William Henry ____, the 9th president. He was born on August 20, 1833. Although he lost the popular vote for president by more than 95,000 votes, he won an Electoral College majority (233 votes to 168 for his opponent Grover Cleveland) and became president on March 4, 1889. He graduated with distinction from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1852 and two years later moved to Indianapolis, Indiana where he opened a law office. He and his wife, Caroline, had two children. In 1876 he ran unsuccessfully for the governorship of Indiana. "Kid Gloves ____ " and "Little Ben" were his nicknames. As president, he was paid a salary of $50,000 per year. During the Civil War, ____ reached the rank of brevet brigadier general in the Union Army. Although he lost the governor's race, he did serve as a United States Senator from Indiana from 1881 to 1887. He was a man of strong principles who possessed keen intellect and a phenomenal memory. A very religious man, he was an elder in the Presbyterian Church for 40 years. As a Senator, ____ defended the interests of homesteaders and Native Americans against the railroads. His administration was noted for its innovative foreign policy and expanding American influence abroad. During his presidential term the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was passed. It made illegal every contract in which there was a restraint of trade or commerce. The budget surplus, which he inherited as president, was spent by the "Billion Dollar Congress." Such enormous amounts were spent on solders' pensions and business subsidies that the surplus soon vanished. His attempt to be re-elected in 1892 resulted in defeat by his former opponent, Grover Cleveland. ____'s influence on Congress was strong during the first two years of his presidency; but he had little, if any influence during the second half of his term. He died on March 13, 1901 in Indianapolis.
American influence overseas was expanded and foreign policy was recognized as "innovative".
He defended Native Americans and homesteaders against the railroads.
During this president's term, the first automobile was built.
He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church for 40 years.
This president once said "Mobs do not discriminate, and the punishments inflicted by them have no repressive or salutary influence."
Who is this president?
William McKinley Warren Harding John Quincy Adams Grover Cleveland Dwight D. Eisenhower Benjamin Harrison
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