____ was born on February 9, 1773 in Berkeley, about 20 miles southeast of Richmond, VA. ____ served the shortest term of any president. ____ became our country's ninth president on March 4, 1841. ____ was only in office for 31 days. ____ gave an almost two-hour inauguration speech without wearing a coat. President ____ caught pneumonia at his inauguration and died after serving our country for only one month. ____ had studied to become a doctor, not the president of the United States. ____ was the oldest person to be elected president in the 19th century at 68 years old.
In the War of 1812, this president, appointed a Brigadier General, commanded all forces in the Northwest.
This president was the first to receive over one million popular votes.
This president's father was a signer of the Declaration of Independence - Benjamin ____.
This president had 48 grandchildren - far more than any other president.
This president once said "But I contend that the strongest of all governments is that which is most free."
Who is this president?
Thomas Jefferson Lyndon B. Johnson John Tyler Andrew Jackson Calvin Coolidge William Henry Harrison
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