It was ____ who nominated George Washington of Virginia as commanding general of the Continental Army. ____ was the second president of the United States. When ____ was 29, he married Abigail Smith, a minister's daughter. When ____ entered Harvard College, he intended to be a minister, but changed his mind sometime before he graduated. ____ officially became a lawyer in November of 1758. ____ defended a British officer and seven enlisted men who fired on a rioting Boston mob during the Boston Massacre. ____ was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. ____' son became the sixth president of the United States.
This president is rumored to have whispered his last words: "Thomas Jefferson survives," but Jefferson had died at Monticello a few hours earlier.
E Pluribus Unum: "Out of Many, One"; added to American coins in 1797, during the presidency of this man.
When this president died in 1826, he was almost 91 years old.
The "President's House" was first inhabited by this president and his wife, Abigail.
This president once said "Let the human mind loose. It must be loosed; it will be loose. Superstition and despotism cannot confine it."
Who is this president?
John Adams James Madison Thomas Jefferson George Washington James Monroe John Quincy Adams
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